
Known associates with niche skills

Prospect Consultancy works with a range of consultants of all disciplines to compliment our assignments, with specific and particular skills as needed. Our extensive personal network, built over 30 years, ensures that we have access to more than 200 individuals with whom we have  worked on assignments including public sector organisations, large commercial companies, Ministry of Justice, healthcare providers, retail, legal and of charities.

Each associate brings the required sector and functional expertise  as required.

To compliment the tactical use of associates,  we put an emphasis on working with existing members of staff from within  client organisations to develop skills, focus on detail, provide ownership and embed knowledge, and ensure projects and programmes continue to add value well after our interventions.

We also work with a range of freelance training and development consultants.





To discuss how we can help you and your organisation implement a strong and sustainable business, contact us today.